Tuesday, November 30, 2010


– Officials with Mobile Fire-Rescue recently presented a Citizen Valor Award to University of South Alabama Medical Center employee Travis Williams because of his actions in helping another citizen who was in medical distress.

On Sept. 2, Mobile Fire-Rescue firemedics responded to the report of “a man down” on board a Mobile WAVE transit bus at Bel Air Mall. Upon arrival, firemedics found an approximately 40-year-old male unconscious seated in the rear of the bus. There was a young man standing behind him, later identified as Williams, who was physically supporting the victim so that he would not fall over onto the bus floor.

Williams advised the firemedics that he recognized the man had something wrong with him and had the bus driver stop and call 911. Williams also told them he had a relative that was a diabetic and the victim showed signs of having the same problem.

Firemedics checked the victim's blood sugar and it turned out Williams was correct; he had low blood sugar. The victim was transported to the hospital, treated and released. The firemedics reported that Williams was “extremely helpful.”

Williams is employed as a Custodial Worker II at USAMC.

Pictured above is Williams, front row center, being presented with the award in ceremonies in front of the hospital. Flanking Williams are Warren Greene, director of Environmental Services and Beth Anderson, hospital administrator. Back row, from left, are Elmer Sellers, assistant administrator; Michael Peterson, associate director of environmental services; Billy Pappas, Mobile Fire-Rescue assistant chief; and Porsha Black, Mobile Fire-Rescue firemedic.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

USAMC Employees Honored

USAMC employees Ruby Adams of Enviromental Services and Manuel X. Green, III, have received awards as a part of the University's annual Christie Miree USA National Alumni Association Outstanding Employee Service Awards. they are divisional nomimees for the awards.

Pictured at left is President V. Gordon Moulton presenting Manuel X. Green III with a certificate.

Hospital staff were asked to nominate employees for the six-categories of awards, Service, Technical, Clerical, Administrative, Crafts/Trades and Professional. These nominations are then reviewed by committees for each of the Univiersity's major divisions. These compirse the US"A" team. Each member receives a certificate and is recognized by President V. Gordon Moulton at the annual service awards ceremony at the Mitchell Center.

These nominees are then reviewed by a University committee which selects six-indiviuals, one from each catefory, as the outstanding employee. Each receives a plaque and a cash award.

Adams represented the Health Systems in the Service category while Green was in the Professional Category.Pictured at right is President Mouton and Ruby Adams.

While both are members of the US"A" team, Adams as selected as a recipient of the Christie Miree USA National Alumni Association Outstanding Employee Award.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cancer Program Receives Accreditation with Commendation

The Commission on Cancer (CoC) of the American College of Surgeons has granted Three-Year Accreditation with Commendation to the Cancer of Program at University of South Alabama Medical Center.

A facility receives a Three-Year Accreditation with commendation following the on-site evaluation by a physician surveyor during which the facility demonstrates a Commendation level of complaince with one or more standards that represent the full scope of the cancer program (cancer committee leadership, cancer cetner date management, clinical services, research, community outreach, and qulaity improvement). In addition a facility receives a complaine rating for all other standards.

Congratulations to all our staff involved in this program and thanks for the hard work that made this award possible!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

New Project Coordinator Appointed

Please welcome Amy Beasley as our Project Coordinator for Stroke/Accreditation. This position is a part of the Quality Management Department.

Amy Beasley, RN, MSN, CIC, joins USAMC from a hospital system in Indiana where she was the Infection Control Practioner for two hospitals for 4 years. She has been an RN for 15 years and has worked in the specialty areas of ED, Neuro-ICU, Trauma-ICU and General ICU. IN her new role she will be working with the medical and hospital staff to ensure complainace with external agency regulatory requirements and to prmote quality stroke patient care at USAMC.

submitted by Sharon Ezelle

Monday, May 10, 2010

Brumfield Named Commitment to Excellence Winner

Pictured to the left is Nancy Brumfield, Dietitian Supervisor, receiving an pin denoting her Commitment to Excellence award. Giving the pin is Food Services Director Steve Lancaster who nominated Brumfield for the award.

In his nomination Lancaster cites her professionalism as a trait most recognize in her and her performance. Brumfield recently was asked to help the Mitchell Cancer Institute in creating a nutrition program for their patients. She walked into an unknown situation and established a program that helps meet the needs of the patients. She has done this during a time when several staff members were out which stretched the department's staff rather thin. Nancy was able to pull this off due to her dedicated to the mission. Lancaster describes her as the "go to player" in the department who will do the job and do it right.

In addition to the pin, Nancy will receive a $50 gift certificate and a reserved parking space.

Patient First Award Winner Named

Rick Cooke, Chair of the Reward and Recognition committee has announced the most recent winners of the employee awards. Claude Loper, RN, of the 3rd Floor was named recipient of the Patient First award.

In nominating Loper for his award, Nurse Manager Angela Duffy wrote that Loper "consistently receives the highest priase from patients and family members that is possible." The common theme in comments are "Claude is wonderful, he goes above and beyond the call of duty." Loper has won this award in prior years. Pictured above is Loper and Nurse Manager Angela Duffy.

Patient First award winners are given a pin to wear indicating their award, a $50 gift certificate and a reserved parking place.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

USA College of Nursing Opens After-Hours Health Care Clinic at USAMC

The University of South Alabama’s College of Nursing has opened a new after-hours fast-track/urgent health care clinic on the third floor of USA Medical Center.

Managed and operated by certified nurse practitioners in collaboration with a USA physician, the clinic is open to the community, as well as University students, faculty and staff.
The fast-track/urgent care after-hours clinic, known as Our Neighborhood Healthcare Clinic, provides primary health care services for adults, including:
· acute illness management
· ear infections
· laboratory testing
· minor lacerations
· physical exams
· sinus infections
· sore throat
· sprains and strains
· swimmer’s ear, and
· urinary tract infections.

Located in Suite 301 of the USA Medical Center, the after-hours fast-track/urgent care clinic is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 4-9 p.m., and on Sundays from 1-6 p.m.

The clinic is operated by faculty and students in USA’s College of Nursing. From the left are clinic clerk Debra Thomas, project coordinator Dr. Linda Roussel, certified nurse practitioner Lori Moore, and clinic nurse Julie McVay.

Our Neighborhood Healthcare Clinic is funded through a five-year grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). In addition to care provided by certified nurse practitioners, the clinic also offers screenings, health education, illness prevention, and management of chronic illnesses.

The grant also supports community outreach programs for adults at Dumas Wesley Community Center and 15 Place in Mobile. These community outreach programs focus primarily on health promotion and self-management, including risk appraisals, screenings, patient teaching and care coordination.

Both the after-hours clinic and community outreach programs are operated by faculty and students in USA’s College of Nursing. Dr. Errol Crook, professor and chair of internal medicine at USA, serves as the clinic’s collaborating physician.

“We are privileged to have the opportunity to serve as health care partners in our community, supporting our mission of providing service to the public and the University,” said project director Dr. Linda Roussel, who is also a professor of community/mental health nursing at USA.
“This HRSA grant, Our Neighborhood Healthcare Clinic, makes it possible for the College of Nursing to provide quality, innovative evidence-based practice opportunities to a diverse student body. This practice opportunity promotes our mission of research and scholarly initiatives through direct care services and community outreach.”

Our Neighborhood Healthcare Clinic accepts cash, credit cards, or the following insurance: Blue Cross and Blue Shield, United Health, Medicare and Medicaid. The clinic also provides services on a sliding scale.For appointments or more information, call (251) 471-7944. Learn more at www.southalabama.edu/nursing/onhc.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Scale Back Alabama Program Ends with Many Losers who are Winners!

The 2010 Scale Back Alabama program has ended at USAMC with many participants rejoycing in their success! In addition to winning by losing pounds, several participants were winners, either in the weekly prize drawing or in the overall prize. Those winners are listed below.

USAMC Scale Back Alabama 2010 Weekly Weigh-In Drawing Winners

Week 2 – Susan Havard
Week 3 – Deloris Key
Week 4 – Mattie Williams
Week 5 – Katherine Harrelson
Week 6 – Valenda Chappell
Week 7 – Karen White
Week 8 – Genny Staggs
Week 9 – Leticia Harris
Week 10 – Brenda Everette

USAMC Scale Back Alabama 2010 Top Ten Weight Loss Winners

1. John Paul Voelkel 32 lbs.
2. Robert Schwan 29 lbs
3. Reynaldo Rodriguez 20 lbs
4. Alan Maltbie 18 lbs
5. Rose Slay 21 lbs
6. Pat Dickerson 17.5 lbs
7. Glenda Turnbow 15 lbs
8. Tammy O’Haver 14 lbs
9. Catherine Manolakis 12 lbs Tied for 9th Place.
9. Cindy Pritchett 12 lbs Tied for 9th Place.

USAMC Teams That Reached the Team Goal

Delightful Sensations – Rose Slay, Karen White, Tiffany Edinburgh, & Valenda Chappell.
No Butts, No Glory – Herman Michael, John-Paul Voelkel, Alan Maltbie, & Reynaldo Rodriguez.
The Losers – Katherine Harrelson, Kelley McDonald, Catherine Manolakis, & Lisa Caten.

USAMC Team Achievement Winner

“No Butts, No Glory”

USAMC Individual Achievement Winner

Lisa Caten

Congratulations to all the winners and to all the losers!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Librarian Completes Course

Geneva Bush Staggs, Assistant Director for Hospital Library Services, has completed the Medical Library Association's Consumer Health Information Specialist program.
The Medical Library Assoication (MLA) defines consumer health information (CHI) as "information on health and
medical topics provided in response to requests from the general public, including patients and their families. In addition to information on the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, CHI encompasses information on health promotion, preventive medicine, the determinants
of health, and accessing the health care system."
To achieve this specialization, Mrs. Staggs completed such continuing education courses as: Beyond an Apple a Day - Providing Health Information to the Public; Ethical Concerns for Health Sciences Librarians; and Easy-to-Read Health and Wellness Material for Consumers.

Completion of this program also contributes to Mrs. Staggs designation as a Distinguished Member of MLA's Academy of Health Information Professionals.

Mrs. Staggs recently participated with the Medical Library Association in the development of a health information literacy curriculum to be used with health care providers to raise awareness of literacy issues in clinical environments and the assistance offered by medical librarians to address these issues. Over the last year She has implemented a consumer information service in the hospital libraries.

Mrs. Staggs can be contacted at the Biomedical Library's Health Information Resource Center located on the 3rd floor of the USA Medical Center (251) 471-7855, gstaggs@bbl.southal.edu.

Friday, April 16, 2010

BOOT CAMP FOR THE NON-ATHLETE: Exercises to do at Home

For stroke survivors, staying physically active is crucial to improving their quality of life.

“Boot Camp for the Non-Athlete: Exercises to Do at Home” will be the topic of the next South Alabama Regional Stroke Support Group meeting at the University of South Alabama Medical Center. The popular stroke support group will meet from 6 p.m.-7 p.m., Tuesday, April 20 in the USA Medical Center’s 10th floor dining room. The stroke support group meets the third Tuesday of each month.

The guest speakers will be Mike Perry, a physical therapist at USA Medical Center, and Anthony “Deek” Cunningham, an occupational therapist at USA Medical Center. “We will discuss the importance of being physically active in the home environment and how one can incorporate general exercises and activities to improve their quality of life,” Cunningham said.

In addition to the talk from Perry and Cunningham, the meeting will feature a healthy meal and door prizes. Reservations are requested and can be made by calling 471-7752, 471-7216 or e-mailing ccarrigan@usouthal.edu.
USA Medical Center is Mobile’s only Gold Performance Achievement Award recipient for stroke care, awarded by the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Visit www.southalabama.edu/usamc/centers.html#stroke for more information.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association “Get With The Guidelines” program has presented the University of South Alabama Medical Center with the Gold Performance Achievement Award for stroke care, the only hospital in Mobile to be selected. This is the second consecutive year USA Medical Center has been recognized with the Gold Award for excellence in stroke care.

Get With The Guidelines-Stroke (GWTG-Stroke) is an in-hospital program designed to improve acute stroke treatment and prevent future strokes and cardiovascular events. GWTG-Stroke focuses on quick diagnosis and treatment of stroke patients. It also involves care team protocols once patients are admitted to ensure that they are treated and discharged appropriately. The Gold award recognizes hospitals that achieve performance scores of 85 percent or greater compliance with quality standards for 24 consecutive months.

This latest award further recognizes USA Medical Center’s commitment and success in implementing a higher standard of stroke care by ensuring that stroke patients receive treatment according to nationally accepted standards and recommendations.

“With a stroke, time lost is brain lost, and the GWTG-Stroke Gold Performance Achievement Award recognizes the crucial element of time,” Dean Naritoku, M.D., medical director of the Regional Stroke Center at USA Medical Center and professor of neurology and pharmacology in the USA College of Medicine, said.

USA Medical Center has developed a comprehensive system for rapid diagnosis and treatment of stroke patients admitted to the emergency department. This includes always being equipped to provide brain-imaging scans, having neurologists available to conduct patient evaluations and using clot-busting medications when appropriate.

“USA Medical Center is improving the quality of stroke care by implementing GWTG-Stroke guidelines,” Naritoku said. “The number of acute ischemic stroke patients eligible for treatment is expected to grow over the next decade due to increasing stroke incidence and a large aging population.”

According to the American Stroke Association, each year approximately 700,000 people suffer a stroke; 500,000 are first attacks and 200,000 are recurrent. Of stroke survivors, 21 percent of men and 24 percent of women die within a year, and for those aged 65 and older, the percentage is even higher.

USA Medical Center received the award by consistently complying for at least two years with the requirements in the GWTG-Stroke program. These include aggressive use of medications such as tPA, antithrombotics, anticoagulation therapy for DVT prophylaxis, cholesterol reducing drugs and smoking cessation.

GWTG-Stroke uses the “teachable moment,” the time soon after a patient has had a stroke, when they are most likely to listen to and follow their health care professionals’ guidance. Studies demonstrate that patients who are taught how to manage their risk factors while still in the hospital reduce their risk of a second heart attack or stroke.

Through GWTG-Stroke, customized patient education materials are made available at the point of discharge, based on patients’ individual risk profiles. The take-away materials are written in an easy-to-understand format and are available in English and Spanish. In addition, the GWTG Patient Management Tool provides access to up-to-date cardiovascular and stroke science at the point of care.
Pictured above are some of the USAMC staff that conprise the Stroke Team. They are:
first row left to right Charlotte Craig, RN,ED; Kacey York, Clinical Educator 5th floor; Dr. Daniel Dees; Sharon Ezelle, Director of Quality Management and Social Services/Utilization Review. Second Row: Debbie Brannon, RN Case Management; Dr. Shannon Overs. Third Row: Elizabeth Allen, Speech Therapist; Dr. Dean Naritoku; Cindy Carrigan. Mike Perry, PT; Back Row: Elmer Sellers; Anthony "Deek" Cunningham, OT; Dr. Izabela Koper; Dr. Elliot Foster.

For additional information, please call the USA Stroke Center at 470-5801 or visit www.southalabama.edu/usamc.