USAMC employees Ruby Adams of Enviromental Services and Manuel X. Green, III, have received awards as a part of the University's annual Christie Miree USA National Alumni Association Outstanding Employee Service Awards. they are divisional nomimees for the awards.
Pictured at left is President V. Gordon Moulton presenting Manuel X. Green III with a certificate.
Hospital staff were asked to nominate employees for the six-categories of awards, Service, Technical, Clerical, Administrative, Crafts/Trades and Professional. These nominations are then reviewed by committees for each of the Univiersity's major divisions. These compirse the US"A" team. Each member receives a certificate and is recognized by President V. Gordon Moulton at the annual service awards ceremony at the Mitchell Center.
These nominees are then reviewed by a University committee which selects six-indiviuals, one from each catefory, as the outstanding employee. Each receives a plaque and a cash award.
Adams represented the Health Systems in the Service category while Green was in the Professional Category.Pictured at right is President Mouton and Ruby Adams.
While both are members of the US"A" team, Adams as selected as a recipient of the Christie Miree USA National Alumni Association Outstanding Employee Award.